Late Season
Well here is a early Merry Christmas to everyone out there in the hunting world. The late season has brought us finally some cold weather and a little snow cover. I spent the night before our first snow overlooking a food plot. After sitting the night in one of my favorite stands and only seeing 1 young spike buck. As the evening hours wore on, I noticed movement on the opposite ridge by one of my other stands. On this ridge I was able to glass with my Nikon Monarchs a few good bucks feeding with a group of does. Sad thing is with work and family gatherings I haven’t been able to get back to the stand for some archery hunting. But this Thursday I have the day off and will get a chance to get back in the woods and see if I can’t get a late season shot at a mature Missouri whitetail.
To all of you out there in the whitetail world, Merry Christmas from the Working Class Whitetails Crew.